Eliane Morelli Abrahão

Postdoctoral researcher

fields of research

Work in progress
The main issue of this paper will be the meals – all the material and visual apparatus around meetings and political events – prepared and served from 1889 to 1930. Assuming the dining room table as a space and instrument of political power
Modern (XVIIIe - XXe)
Society Cookbook Diplomacy Everyday life Food cultures Food studies Identities Gender Tradition

Institution / Research unit

Post-doctorate Research with the project on “The aesthetics of the flavours and the power: the menus collection of Washington Luís (Brasil, 1889-1930).”
She is a Historian at the Historical Archives of the Centre for Logic, Epistemology and History of Science (CLE-Unicamp) and is Research Associate in the DIAITA Project (Patrimônio Alimentar da Lusofonia).


  • Eliane Morelli Abrahão « Morar e viver na cidade. Campinas (1850-1900). Mobiliário e utensílios domésticos. » Alameda Campinas Brazil (BR) 2010
  • Eliane Morelli Abrahão as editor with ABRAHÃo, Fernando A. « Delícias das sinhás. História e receitas culinárias da segunda metade do século XIX e início do século XX. » CMU Publicações, Arte Escrita Campinas Brazil (BR) 2007
  • Eliane Morelli Abrahão « Morar em Campinas. Usos e costumes (1850-1900). » in Resgate - Revista Interdisciplinar de Cultura volume 23 issue 2178-3284 Brazil (BR) 2015 pp. 71-80
  • Eliane Morelli Abrahão « A escrita culinária: permanências e transformações. Campinas (1860-1940). » in Patrimónios Alimentares de Aquém e Além Mar 2016 pp. 47-62


« Os receituários manuscritos e as práticas alimentares em Campinas (1860-1940) »
2014 - Supervised by Leila Mezan Algranti.
University of Campinas

Three women, three choices: Custodia Leopoldina de Oliveira (1835-1889), Anna Henriqueta de Albuquerque Pinheiro (1871-1950), and Barbara do Amaral Camargo Penteado (1875-1963). Each author, in her own fashion, unveiled – through private feminine writing – the universe of cooking. The recipes’ lexicon indicates the preparing techniques employed, the modernization of the household appliances and house spaces, the available ingredients at the period studied, the perpetuations and discontinuities of the dishes and of the home life.
Based on the food recipes, source and object of the study, we will attempt to comprehend in which way the fooding habits have been cemented through time in a given social space. The reading and the analysis of such documents bring to light details about the family life, the economic, cultural, and social dynamics of the coffee farmers elite in the period between 1860 and 1940, reinforcing the hypothesis that the feeding habits used to operate as an instrument for the creation and maintenance of friendship bonds, as well as a social belonging vehicle.